
The tab component is basically a list of any number of tab elements.

To create an tab you have to apply the classes .btn-group and .tab to any element you'd like. This element can have any number of .tab-btns which should be any element, that is focus- and clickable by the user. To get the correct styling these elements need the classes .btn and .tab-btn applied to it. Additionaly you have to add the class .active to the tab button, which should be active on default. The previous and the following sibling (if there exists one) should also have the classes .previous and .next applied to it.


<div class="btn-group tab" aria-label="Tab component" data-controller="tab" role="tablist">
    <button role="tab" type="button" data-controller="tab/button" class="btn tab-btn previous"
        aria-selected="false">First Tab</button>
    <button role="tab" type="button" data-controller="tab/button" class="btn tab-btn active"
        aria-selected="true">Second Tab</button>
    <button role="tab" type="button" data-controller="tab/button" class="btn tab-btn next"
        aria-selected="false">Third Tab</button>
    <button role="tab" type="button" data-controller="tab/button" class="btn tab-btn"
        aria-selected="false">Fourth Tab</button>
    <button role="tab" type="button" data-controller="tab/button" class="btn tab-btn"
        aria-selected="false">Fifth Tab</button>
    <button role="tab" type="button" data-controller="tab/button" class="btn tab-btn"
        aria-selected="false">Sixth Tab</button>
var tab = document.getElementById('tab-selector');

tab.addEventListener('tabChanged', function(e) {
    //Get the content elements
    var oldContentElement = document.getElementById(e.detail.oldElement.getAttribute(
    var activeContentElement = document.getElementById(e.detail.activeElement.getAttribute(

    //Update aria-attributes of content elements
    oldContentElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true);
    activeContentElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', false);

    //Adjust display of content elements

var direction = "forward";
setInterval(function() {
    if (direction === "forward") {
        if (!tab.nextTab()) {
            direction = "backward";
    } else {
        if (!tab.previousTab()) {
            direction = "forward";
}, 5000);

As you can see in the above example, the classes are obligatory for the correct display, especially on mobile resolutions.


The tab does not work without javascript. You can import our javascript bundle cake.js to automatically use this feature. You only must ensure that the property data-controller="tab"" is set on the tab element and [data-controller="tab/button"] on the tab button elements. Otherwise you can embedd the tab.js to customize the default behavior.


To initialize the javascript with default configuration you could simply run the following code:

document.addEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded', () => { ();


To customize the default behavior you can only embedd the tab.js file into your mockups. Then you can initialize the functionality by calling:

document.addEventListener ('DOMContentLoaded', () => { (options = {
        tabElements: [],
        tabQuerySelector: '[data-controller="tab"]',
        tabButtonElements: [],
        tabButtonQuerySelector: '[data-controller="tab/button"]',
  • tabElements [Array]
    • provide the tab elements as HTMLElement (optional).
  • tabQuerySelector [String]
    • provide a query-selector to select all tab elements. (optional, default: [data-controller="tab"]).
  • tabButtonElements [Array]
    • provide the tab button elements as HTMLElement. For each tab element you should provide an array with all tab-buttons (optional).
  • tabButtonQuerySelector [String]
    • provide a query-selector to select all tab button elements. (optional, default: [data-controller="tab/button"]).

If you do provide the options.[...]Elements the options.[...]QuerySelector option gets ignored. If you do not provide any options.[...]Elements always the options.[...]QuerySelector is used!


You can use the CAKE's JavaScript tab.js to automatically apply the functionality of switching the active tab. The use of our JavaScript when calling (); will enable you three different methods of working with the tab component. The tabs are working with the interaction of the user with the different tab/buttons, you can call the available methods of the tab component and you are able to receive status updates via the available event. If you want to add additional or to remove any of these features, you can simply extend or remove our JavaScript and build your own on top of the html and css skeleton you get by CAKE.


The triggers does automatically work with our JavaScript, as long as you have imported the tab.js script and applied the correct data-controller to the elements.

To enable the default behaviour shown above, you have to add the data-controller="tab" to the parent element .tab.btn-group. Additionally you have to apply the data-controller="tab/button" to each clickable element of your .tab-btn.btn. Besides, you're gonna have to add the class .active to exactly one tab/button element and to the previous and next sibling one of the corresponding classes .prevous or .next. If there is no previous or next sibling element, you can skip this class.

<div class="btn-group tab" aria-label="Tab component" data-controller="tab" role="tablist">
    <button role="tab" type="button" data-controller="tab/button" class="btn tab-btn previous" aria-selected="false">First Tab</button>
    <button role="tab" type="button" data-controller="tab/button" class="btn tab-btn active" aria-selected="true">Active Tab</button>
    <button role="tab" type="button" data-controller="tab/button" class="btn tab-btn next" aria-selected="false">Third Tab</button>


element.nextTab ()Changes the active tab to the next one. If the last tab is already active nothing will happen and the method will return false. If the tab correctly changed, the method will return true.
element.previousTab ()Changes the active tab to the previous one. If the first tab is already active nothing will happen and the method will return false. If the tab correctly changed, the method will return true.
element.goToTab (index)Changes the active tab to the tab on position index. If the index is not available, because it is < 0 or > the number of tab buttons the method will return false, otherwise true.
document.getElementById ("tab-selector").nextTab (); //returns true|false
document.getElementById ("tab-selector").previousTab (); //returns true|false
document.getElementById ("tab-selector").goToTab (2); //returns true|false


CAKE's tab plugin exposes a custom event for hooking into tab functionality.

tabChangedThis event fires immediately when the index of active tab button has changed.
document.getElementById ("#tab-selector").addEventListener('tabChanged', (e) => {
    console.log (e.detail);
    // do something…

The event tabChanged will give you information about the tab component the changes have been applied to. You can receive this information in the event-listener argument with e.detail. e.detail will be an object with the following properties:

  • tabElement: tab element [data-controller="tab"].
  • elementsCount: number of tab buttons available [data-controller="tab/button"].
  • oldIndex: index of the previous active tab.
  • oldElement: tab button element of the previous active tab.
  • activeIndex: index of the new active tab.
  • activeElement: tab button element of the new active tab.

All indexes starts at 0 for the first element and are incremented by 1 for each following item. Therefore the index of the last item is always index = elementsCount - 1

You can use this informations to build your functionality on top of the tab component behaviour. For example you can show or hide additional content depending on the active tab button. In the example below the active tab changes automatically every 5000 milliseconds and the corresponding content will be displayed for each tab.


<div class="btn-group tab" aria-label="Tab component" data-controller="tab" role="tablist"
    <button role="tab" type="button" id="tab-button-1" data-controller="tab/button"
        class="btn tab-btn previous" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="tab-content-1">First
    <button role="tab" type="button" id="tab-button-2" data-controller="tab/button"
        class="btn tab-btn active" aria-selected="true" aria-controls="tab-content-2">Second
    <button role="tab" type="button" id="tab-button-3" data-controller="tab/button"
        class="btn tab-btn next" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="tab-content-3">Third
    <button role="tab" type="button" id="tab-button-4" data-controller="tab/button"
        class="btn tab-btn" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="tab-content-4">Fourth Tab</button>
    <button role="tab" type="button" id="tab-button-5" data-controller="tab/button"
        class="btn tab-btn" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="tab-content-5">Fifth Tab</button>
    <button role="tab" type="button" id="tab-button-6" data-controller="tab/button"
        class="btn tab-btn" aria-selected="false" aria-controls="tab-content-6">Sixth Tab</button>
<div role="tabpanel" id="tab-content-1" aria-labelledby="tab-button-1" aria-hidden="true"
    class="tab-content hidden">Content for tab one.</div>
<div role="tabpanel" id="tab-content-2" aria-labelledby="tab-button-2" aria-hidden="false"
    class="tab-content">Content for tab two.</div>
<div role="tabpanel" id="tab-content-3" aria-labelledby="tab-button-3" aria-hidden="true"
    class="tab-content hidden">Content for tab three.</div>
<div role="tabpanel" id="tab-content-4" aria-labelledby="tab-button-4" aria-hidden="true"
    class="tab-content hidden">Content for tab four.</div>
<div role="tabpanel" id="tab-content-5" aria-labelledby="tab-button-5" aria-hidden="true"
    class="tab-content hidden">Content for tab five.</div>
<div role="tabpanel" id="tab-content-6" aria-labelledby="tab-button-6" aria-hidden="true"
    class="tab-content hidden">Content for tab six.</div>
var tab = document.getElementById('tab-selector');

tab.addEventListener('tabChanged', function(e) {
    //Get the content elements
    var oldContentElement = document.getElementById(e.detail.oldElement.getAttribute(
    var activeContentElement = document.getElementById(e.detail.activeElement.getAttribute(

    //Update aria-attributes of content elements
    oldContentElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true);
    activeContentElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', false);

    //Adjust display of content elements

var direction = "forward";
setInterval(function() {
    if (direction === "forward") {
        if (!tab.nextTab()) {
            direction = "backward";
    } else {
        if (!tab.previousTab()) {
            direction = "forward";
}, 5000);


The parent element of component tab should always have the role="tablist" applied to it. This indicates that the content of this element is a list of clickable tab elements. These will have the role="tab" applied to it's elements. If you show different content to the user, depending on which tab button is active, each of the content elements should have a role="tabpanel". More about the roles of this component can be read on

To describe the purpose of the tablist you should consider adding a aria-label="…" to the tab component. Additionally the aria-selected attributes has to be applied to the tab/buttons. Depending of the active state of the tab button, the value for this aria-attribute should be false when it's not active or true when it's active. This attribute will help screenreaders and other accessibility tools to give the correct important information to the user. If you display content on activating any tab button, you should also add the aria-controls="…" attribute to the tab/button with the id-reference to the content element.

To not only describe the tab buttons but the content elements via aria-attribtues, you have to add the aria-labelledby="…" and aria-hidden="true|false" attribute to the corresponding element. These attributes should of course also be updated with your JavaScript, if the displayed content changes. To see how this could work, have a look on the above example! To get a better understanding on the accessibility of tabs, you can read this article.